Wednesday, May 4, 2011

running wild

According to my Introduction to Management notes, one of the ways to overcome effective communication barriers is to;

Constraint Emotions
-Recognize when your emotions are running high. When they are, don't communicate until you have calmed down.

Ain't it obvious?

Somehow I love reading the random broken English that I used regularly or the grammatical errors that I made or the trying-too-hard-to-make-long-and-beautiful sentences.
Gosh it's almost been three years and I still can't find my passion in engineering.
Okay I'm rambling. This doesn't have anything to do with the communication and emotions thingy.
Okay back to screen-capturing the notes with my head.
Okay, fine. Maybe some sleep.

0 meow here n there:

Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr