mood of writing: full of annoyance
GUYS who are DESPERATELY trying TOO HARD to include the word "FUCK" in their conversation are just plain pathetic. fullstop.
the problem is, they don't even know how to use it or where to use it. i know that the word is the only universal word that can be used as a noun, adjective, verb and so on. but when you say this to a male tutor who is teaching in front;
"i wanna fuck you. hey, i wanna fuck you"
what's your problem, bro??
are you gay or are you just too desperate?
if you want him so bad, just go and get him.
don't just sit behind me, repeating those lines and expact me to restrain myself from turning around and slapping you real hard.
i might not look like i would do such a thing, but for you, oh yes i would.
and yeah,
i heard this story.
a guy in my class is trying to teach a bird how to pronounce the word "fuck".
what's your effing problem, mister??!!
you are NOT impressing any girls if you don't even know how to use the word "fuck". THAT'S JUST LAME. instead, you are making a total fool of yourselves.
ar you that blind??
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago
14 meow here n there:
memang, sekejap2 FUCK, lepas tu dok SYIAL mial macam bangang.
x cool la weh mencarut macam tu. pergi tengok mat rempit mencarut or maki maki, sebut babi pun nampak macho even scary gilak.
budak2 lelaki sini memang kut, dulu waktu kat sekolah stok budak2 skema yang nerd bawak buku beg berat2 malam2 study mcm esok dah nak exam smpai x smpat nak ada life,
bla masuk U, culture shock pulak. baru nak belaja perkataan2 mcm ni. lepas tu bila dah syiok guna, asek nak guna sebab rasa kool. gila pathetic. kesian weh.
moralnya ; x payah mencarut. itu lagi super duper kool.
@siti - obi wan has thought you well..
@belle - exactly ! these chinese nnt jadik engineers akan schema balik. nerdy geeky as written in their genes. but somehow, most of the time, chinese engineers are much more polite than malay engineers. malay engineers mcm beruk dapat pisang. chinese engineers, the better he is at his job, the more humble he will be with the people around him.
next time, try to turn around and tell the geek, "wrong usage, idiot, not wanna, gonna, demnit. now u sound gay"
put it some mild curses, sure dia stunned. well, you did not have to utter the word even.
dont worry about 'idiot', 'demnit' and what not, he's using the f word so it shouldn't surprise him if we throw a lil spice back at him.
if u're lucky, he'll find it kewl and respect u forever. ka ka ka
p/s:i only started cursing when i started to work with those damn singaporeans. SICKENINGGG !
Mireya - ckp pndai.padahal blog dia ni pun byk offnsve word
J1da - ckp pndai.ckp la sndr.nk jadi batu api lak.
at least tak wrong usage. HAHAHAHA. dah put disclaimer kut kat situ. [oke, this is not a good reason btw]
j1da is teaching her how to 'ajar' this people. malu kut kalau pggunaan x kena tmpat.
u sound offended. jgn lah begitu. :)
anonymus needs a lesson in cursing. 1 advice,curse correctly,on d rite occasion so you dont sound stupid. If i were anywhr nearer those kids i woulda passed d lesson directly.
Here's an example of d lesson: Anonymus shud stick to fairy tale story books n recipes sites instead of blogs. Our offensive words r rampant n apparently r getn her/his head all fucked up and getn dis sucker so fucking annoyed n angry which may lead to some hideous hate crimes.
Now dont ever say 'ckp pandai' to othr ppl if u dont know what d fuck ure getn urself into.
So dats d lesson for d day. R we clear d usage of d f word now? Homework, point out d english usage rules from each of d f word usage above.
This fucking conversation ends 'ere.
;) back at cha!
'curse correctly'?
now whos d one in stupid here?
tak pernah aku jumpa org yg menghalalkan cursing..
Jgn la jadi bodoh smbong.betul kan apa aku ckp,jgn jadi batu api.tu je.tak kan melenting kott.kritikan membina :D
btw, i got 3 lessons 4 u :)
1st,No matter in wht stuation u face,dont evr swear..
2nd,dont get ticked off easily.mind ur words before speaking.u tend to lose cntrol when u r angry
3rd,jgn cakap pandai..tgk,kan dah silap bagi tazkirah kat aku.'curse correctly'.pfft..
just an opinion k....not really into the fight but can u all just transform all the cursing-part word into other thing that does not really have a WTF what-the-fun...isnt better no one will be hurt and ppl will started to laugh....haishhhh...let make peaceful conversation out of it
kalau kome nak blaja carutan betul2..take it from the pro..hehehehe.aku menyediakan kursus carutan dlam bahasa kedah...juz dail 16004455.tenkiu...n slamat beramal.
But*h pak hang anonymous..hang memalukan orng kedah.nk ajaq org len ckp meghapu lak.. F_ck u anonymous..fu_king retard..i wanna f_ck u..
Amacam? Btui dak ayat aku? Ada sound gay dak? AhakKkKKSSs!
nasib baek u dah blocked anonymous comment.
kalau x, melampau2 mereka yang menyorokkan identity ni komen blog u dear. cakap mengarut-ngarut jiwa kacau entah apa-apa.
sentap betul budak-budak anonymous dengan komen j1da. macam gila offended.
2nd,dont get ticked off easily. <----- errr.. siapa yang tick off easily tah? ayat stok bengang tak bole blah nih.
dear anonymous,
kalau kau hebat sangat bab cursing ni, show yourself la.
why be an anonymous?
pengecut sangat??
or takut nama kau kena ban?
you said don't get ticked off easily, but look who's talking.
you said that you're not really into the fight, but look who's so disturbed with this topic now?
i bet you can't sleep last night, kan?
tu yang komen sampai pukul 4 pagi tu.
kesian kau, kan?
are you that guy behind me?
or you have been in that pathetic position? that's why kau terasa sangat kan?!
i should have figured earlier.
pity you.
kau tak komen langsung pasal the GUY in my blog kan?
kau tak rasa dia tu salah ka?
cursing here and there inappropriately?
kau ni memang male chauvinist pig kan?
oopss..does that count as cursing too?
you started it bro.
now now people!
it ends here.
people just love controversies.
tsk tsk i have to take back my "this fucking conversation end here" statement.
1st anon - you do know that water is one of the purest source on earth, no? and you also do know the fact that you can't clean an oily pan with water, no?
now, for instance, have you ever tried telling the mat rempits,
"saudara, tolonglah jangan merempit..bla..bla..bla.."
face to face?
now imagine, can you foresee how they would react to you?
they'd tell you to fuck off. or worse, fart right in your face.
now you know why, coz you're the pure water and they are the dirty oil.
you have to mix in a cleaning solution into it.
a more effective solution is, to tell them to merempit "correctly". like in the ad, "race kat track!" or..become a pizza delivery boy.
now that sounds so much better.
back to the discussion in this thread, as i have mentioned in my first comment, these chinese kids, are trying to be bad boys now. when they become engineers, they could be more polite than malay engineers. gone were the cursing. so while they are infatuated with trying too hard to be a bad boy now, why not we tell them how to do it correctly, at least. tak lah sakit telinga sangat, no? at least tak lah depa dok mencaroooot ja at every single thing if they know when is the right or wrong time, no?
there are many ways at solving problems. we live we learn. subtle approach always is magic.
p/s : i would like to tell a guy who hit on me in public to fuck off, or at least, jeling terbalik bijik mata kat depa..but a more subtle approach would suffice, coz if i chosed to offend him, he maybe would seek a bomoh to bomoh me. then hell.
pp/s : jgn jadi bodoh sombong back at cha !
hah !
@blog owner - just delete the other nonsense anonymous comments.
wht's goin on rte here???
calm everyone!!
calm!! stay cool!!
r u talking bout...ok i know..
our clasmate yg b4 dis nerdy but now, not so nerdy???
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