you've heard.
PEM broke down.
yesterday, i felt like a typical girl who drives a car. taw bawak ja keta tapi tak reti nak jaga. tapi aku bukan exactly camtu! at least aku taw nak check air and minyak hitam. that's important, kan?? just hari tu ja aku terlupa nak tutup lampu. maybe ngantok sangat kot drive balik pukul 2 pagi. don't blame me :(
the weird thing is, i'm not really angry because of this incident, i just feel like laughing. the first thing on my mind was,
"i have to start dealing with this kinda prob. omg i'm so tua!"
well, i might be matured enough to handle many other things, but i'm not matured enough for this kind of stuff, i think. oh well, i'm still learning. i might be a lady driver, i won't deny that fact, but not the reckless and ignorant ones!
thanks to jah coz teman aku! hg kan satu2nya kawan aku yang penah eksiden beribu kali.. so sure hg expert cmna nak handle kan?? i know i can count on you, babe.
thanks to pey for the ride. kalu tak, terpaksa la aku jalan dari taman maju tuh balik utp. and of coz, for the crazy ride. aku tamaw naik dah dengan hg!!
thanks to zai coz teman pey cam husband and wife kat depan tuh. hang macam abang kepada kami semua. sangat senyap.
and of coz, thanks to pali coz teman pi workshop in the first place and tolong handle dengan orang tu. terharu with your concern! ahaks.
oh lupa!
thanks chaq!!
coz tolong p survey harga battery and all those advice and pesanan and amanat and semua laa.. oh yeah, and most of all, for berpura2 interested tanya abah brapa umoq battery tu.hee~
so kesimpulannya, sapa2 yang taw pasal ni jangan gtaw abah!
i can handle it!
with all this thank list, i feel so hopelessly hopeless.
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago
2 meow here n there:
wow....what a be very thankful when u have a car and take care of them very carefully coz "it will only help you whenver you help them..."
sori ye. not beribu kali.
it's just 3 times.
ade bran nk naek ngn sye???
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