Saturday, December 17, 2011

The value of

So I guess the conclusion is, be thankful with what you have in your life. Stop complaining because there are people who are less fortunate than us. If you're sick from flu or mild fever, there's someone in other parts of the world who is dying from AIDS. If you think that you don't have enough money to buy a new phone, there's a mother who worries about getting enough food on the table for her children. If you complain that you are bored during the four-months holiday with nothing to do, there's some cancer patient who has another four months to survive.

And when something bad happens to us, we should reflect it on ourselves. For example, when I got into an accident the other day, I guess Allah is trying to show me something. Maybe He wants to warn me of something bad that I've done. Maybe he wants me to improve. Maybe he wants to punish me for something I did. I don't know. That's what I have to figure out.

Another example, when you're really mad at someone, just relax and think again. Why are you mad at that person? What went wrong? After that, try and recall, have you done anything wrong? Maybe that person is wrong, or maybe you are wrong too. Maybe you've done something bad that make that person do what he did. I think I may have overlooked a few things sometimes. I know, I'm not always right all the time. I may have done things that make other people mad without me realizing it. This is a also a reminder for me, if one day I forgot these things.
I'm babbling. Okay. Dear future me, please be thankful.

2 meow here n there:

siti sakinah said...

well somehow i terasa pedasnyer!
"dont have enough money to buy phone"
"bored during the 4months holiday"
ouch! are u talking about me?LOL.joking!

a good reminder for me indeed =)

Rosma said...

lol. The thing is, aku pon dok mengeluh benda2 tu jugak. Dok fikir mana nak cari duit beli talipon niiii huhu

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