When I finally work and have my first paycheck, I'm gonna prepare a few envelopes. One is for a new mattress, these springs are killing me! Another is for my skincare coz mom is always saying that I should wear sufficient face cream now so that I'll look younger when I'm her age. Next, maybe I'll indulge a little bit. There'll be an envelope for a new Fossil purse, wow talk about being specific. Well I've got a Jedi to blame for all these expensive taste. Well, maybe not that expensive for someone with a starting salary of RM5000 but it is still expensive for me. Okay I'm being defensive, so shut up. So far, that's all I can think of. After budgeting and deducting all the necessary expenditures and savings, I guess I could spare a few ringgit each month for these envelopes :)
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago
0 meow here n there:
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