Tuesday, April 28, 2009

be cruel to be kind, baby!

an old song that sticks right in my head.

Oh, I can't take another heartache
Though you say you're my friend
I'm at my wits end
You say your love is bonafide

But that don't coincide
With the things that you're doing
When I ask you to be nice
You say you gotta be
Cruel to be kind, in the right measure
Cruel to be kind, it's a very good sign
Cruel to be kind, means that I love you
Baby, you gotta be cruel to be kind

Well, I do my best to understand dear
But you still mystify, and I wanna know why

I pick myself up off the ground
And have you knock me back down
Again and again
And when I ask you to explain
You say you gotta be
Cruel to be kind, in the right measure
Cruel to be kind, it's a very good sign
Cruel to be kind, means that I love you
Baby, you gotta be cruel to be kind
Well, I do my best to understand dear
But you still mystify, and I wanna know why
I pick myself up off the ground
And have you knock me back down
Again and again
And when I ask you to explain
You say you gotta be
Cruel to be kind, in the right measure
Cruel to be kind, it's a very good sign
Cruel to be kind, means that I love you
Baby, you gotta be cruel to be kind


drama di malam hari.

pong : tot! kenapa jadi macam ni?! pong ingatkan kali ni berbeza. tapi sama ja.sob sob

tot: nak wat camna, dah pong trade in ja.

pong: uhuk3

tot: jangan la stress. sape ye yang stress sampai muntah2? pong jangan la muntah2, nanti tot tamaw basuh..haaa

tak kira la, tot.

kalau pong muntah-muntah ka, nangis-nangis ka, tot kena ada kat sebelah jugak.
macam dalam kereta malam tu. tot ingat tak? pong nangis gila-gila. pong tahu tot tataw nak buat apa. tapi tot duduk ja sebelah pong. tolong bukak kotak tisu tweety yang kita baru beli tu. ingat tak? pastu setiap kali pong emo, tot ada kat sebelah, tapi takut nak datang dekat-dekat. tot ni ngada la. pong sayang tong. tong baik. tamaw kita jadi macam mereka. atau sesiapa pun. tau?
pinkie promise?

Thursday, April 9, 2009


mood of writing: full of annoyance

GUYS who are DESPERATELY trying TOO HARD to include the word "FUCK" in their conversation are just plain pathetic. fullstop.

the problem is, they don't even know how to use it or where to use it. i know that the word is the only universal word that can be used as a noun, adjective, verb and so on. but when you say this to a male tutor who is teaching in front;

"i wanna fuck you. hey, i wanna fuck you"

what's your problem, bro??
are you gay or are you just too desperate?
if you want him so bad, just go and get him.
don't just sit behind me, repeating those lines and expact me to restrain myself from turning around and slapping you real hard.
i might not look like i would do such a thing, but for you, oh yes i would.

and yeah,
i heard this story.
a guy in my class is trying to teach a bird how to pronounce the word "fuck".
what's your effing problem, mister??!!

you are NOT impressing any girls if you don't even know how to use the word "fuck". THAT'S JUST LAME. instead, you are making a total fool of yourselves.

ar you that blind??


Tuesday, April 7, 2009

down to earth, honey.

tell me i'm not making a mistake.
tell me i won't regret this.
tell me i'm not missing anything.

though it seems like everything is so wrong.
please wake me up.
coz too much candy makes me crazy.


Wednesday, April 1, 2009

for the first time in my life..

you've heard.
PEM broke down.

yesterday, i felt like a typical girl who drives a car. taw bawak ja keta tapi tak reti nak jaga. tapi aku bukan exactly camtu! at least aku taw nak check air and minyak hitam. that's important, kan?? just hari tu ja aku terlupa nak tutup lampu. maybe ngantok sangat kot drive balik pukul 2 pagi. don't blame me :(
the weird thing is, i'm not really angry because of this incident, i just feel like laughing. the first thing on my mind was,

"i have to start dealing with this kinda prob. omg i'm so tua!"

well, i might be matured enough to handle many other things, but i'm not matured enough for this kind of stuff, i think. oh well, i'm still learning. i might be a lady driver, i won't deny that fact, but not the reckless and ignorant ones!

thanks to jah coz teman aku! hg kan satu2nya kawan aku yang penah eksiden beribu kali.. so sure hg expert cmna nak handle kan?? i know i can count on you, babe.

thanks to pey for the ride. kalu tak, terpaksa la aku jalan dari taman maju tuh balik utp. and of coz, for the crazy ride. aku tamaw naik dah dengan hg!!

thanks to zai coz teman pey cam husband and wife kat depan tuh. hang macam abang kepada kami semua. sangat senyap.

and of coz, thanks to pali coz teman pi workshop in the first place and tolong handle dengan orang tu. terharu with your concern! ahaks.

oh lupa!
thanks chaq!!
coz tolong p survey harga battery and all those advice and pesanan and amanat and semua laa.. oh yeah, and most of all, for berpura2 interested tanya abah brapa umoq battery tu.hee~

so kesimpulannya, sapa2 yang taw pasal ni jangan gtaw abah!
i can handle it!

with all this thank list, i feel so hopelessly hopeless.
Header image by sabrinaeras @ Flickr