I'm glad I'm not a loner. I don't know how I'll manage everything on my own. I've read "Men Are From Mars, Women Are From Venus" a few years back and I can't help but to agree silently to these study on the battle of sexes. It stated that when problems arise, men tend to keep it to themselves and lock themselves in their own secluded "cave" which is their safe area. They'll ponder and think of their problem until they finally resolve it. That's just how things work between them. Differently for women, we talk about it. We don't usually keep it inside. Instead, we let it out in the open, or to few trusted individuals. That's just how we deal with things. And I couldn't agree more.
I've got an awfully great support system. I've got this group of friends that have been stuck with me for more than four years now, through thick and thin. Despite all the problems, dramas and crisis, we are still standing tall, together. We learn to tolerate, to give and take. We learn about each other's likes and dislikes, strengths and weaknesses. Sometimes we got bored, but we got over it. It's true what those Spice Girls once sang about, "Friendship never ends". It's a cheezay line. We sing along to it, but we never stop to think or relate it to ourselves.
I must admit, sometimes I got lost. My priorities are a mess. It should have always been chicks before dicks. We will always be sisters who are not blood related. They will always be the soft pillow that will grab me instead of the floor that will make me shattered to pieces. They will always be the spring that will make me bounce back to my feet, anytime, anywhere. I am always safe with them. I know that they will always be there for me. But that's no reason to disregard them. That's no reason to take them for granted. That's no reason to feel safe. No reason at all...
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
4 years ago
0 meow here n there:
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