This is a tribute to all big sis n bro out there.
Being the last child, such heaven!
I’ve always got my sis n bro as my walking ATM machine
And as the youngest, you practically get most of the attention from your parents.
Sometimes it’s fun, you get everything you want.
But sometimes it’s kinda...hard..
Your parents will want to know everything, they will want to control everything. Trust me.
It is kinda good, but sometimes kinda weird too.
Macam hari tu..aku on the way back to utp. Abah suruh naik dengan dia. Mak plak bawak PEM yang belemoih (bak kata sekin) tu..
Masuk ja kereta dengan abah, dia start lecture. Erm..nasihat la kan. He was driving at 30km/h! I was sooooo trapped!!
He talked about friends, studies, time, eating, cafes, classes, car, EVERYTHING!
Then.....he talked about boys.
He listed down every details that i should look for in a guy.
Don’t worry, guys. None of the criterias fit anyone i know.
Then abah bagi contoh lelaki yang dia suruh cari.
Oh my God.
Abah tak minat mawi ponnn!!
Apsal dia nak menantu cam mawi plak???!!
Ntoh ler..malas nak fikir.
Eh, dah lari topik.
Berbalik kepada hal yang sedang dibincangkan di atas tadi.
Thanks to my sis yang always always support me all this while. I always turn to her for everything.
I remembered when my dad decided to take away my car, i called my sis and cried and talked about how unfair and unreasonable my dad was. I knew she was still sleeping at that time, but she managed to give me the response that i was hoping for.
And i never thought i would ever cry in front of her. Oh, i did. Malunya saya. I cried that night in her car and she was beside me, consoling and comforting me. Thanks a lot!
And not to mention all the things that she’s given to me. Oh how she spoilt me rottenly.
And my bro..a few days ago, my bro called me in the middle of the night just to ask me about my result.darn.
I actually didn’t tell him because it wasn’t that good compared to him, well, as far as i knew la..
Dia tanya,
“dapat berapa exam?”
“teruk..tak payah tau la”
“teruk tu berapa??”
“ x.xx jaa..teruk gilaaa”
“teruk ka tu?? Abang dulu pun lebih kurang ja.”
“yaka?? Tipooooo”
All this while, he is always the best child in the family, well, in certain ways. I am always being compared to him. but after this, takdak la panik and takut sangat my parents nak compare aku dengan dia. But i still look up to him though. and the best part of the conversation with him, before he hung up, he said “ siti..blajaq leklok naa?”.
Oh terharunya saya..
Rasa bersalah sangat. Sebelum ni, aku cam malas la nak layan dia kalau dia call coz dia suka sangat loyaq burok..grr.. tapi that nite, ayat tu ja dah wat aku amat terharu. Lurve my broooooo!
Pastu teringat pulak pasal kawan aku.. i was on the phone dengan dia satu hari tu, then adik dia nak p skolah dah, then aku dengaq la dia pesan kat adik dia “jalan leklok taw”..
Ntah la..somehow i feel those little gestures and words could mean the world to someone.
All i’m saying is, to all kakaks and abangs semua, be nice to your little siblings. I know how much you love to torture them and ask them to do stuffs for you; trust me, i know, but sometimes show them how much you love them. Just let them know.
But still, to all those big sis and bro, keep on spoiling your cute little sisters and don’t forget to buy her lots and lots of things in the future, k??
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago
4 meow here n there:
ak bnci gilee 10x adk ak 2 owg 2
diorg salu jek kne semboq ngn ak kt umh
naseb la diorg jdk adk ak
*evil grin*
aku xley imgne la hg jd seorg kakak wehh..
hg pon cm manja2 ja kat sini..
ko lom knl ak ag as a sister
evil dow
ak grg gile kot kalo ngn adek pompuan ak 2
kalo ngn adek ak yg laki 2
ak pon jdk bdk2 kot
ak yg salu wat kecoh kt umh 2
men keja2 la ngn adk laki ak 2
mcm2 la kje gile ak wat
mimi memang kurang matang
men kejar2 plakkk
seb bek hg x panjat pokok cam jah
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