Manusia memang suka cakap pasal manusia. Memang seronok, kan? Kutuk-kutuk sana sini. Gosip-gosip sana sini. Kalau ada cerita baru tu, memang excited betul nak cerita kat semua orang. Time dah ada cerita baru tu, tak kira la "subject of the matter" tu kawan ka, orang yang kau tak suka ka, asalkan kau dapat sebarkan cerita tu. Kau pernah fikir tak macam mana kalau orang lain yang tengah cakap pasal kau? Orang lain yang sebar cerita pasal kau? Lagi seronok, kalau orang yang sebar cerita pasal kau tu adalah kawan kau. Kawan baik kau sendiri kot. Agak-agak apa kau rasa? Time kita cerita pasal orang, kita tak pernah fikir apa yang orang tu akan rasa, kan? Bukan aku nak tujukan kat any particular person pon..sebab most of us pun buat kerja ni. Aku sendiri pun tak terlepas daripada kerja-kerja ni.
One thing that I would like to emphasize here is that bestfriends do not stab each others' backs. That is so high school, my dear. I can't believe I still have to deal with these things, AGAIN. You know, with what is happening around me this whole week, I finally know who my real friends are. I know who I can depend on the most. I know just the person to talk to even at 5 in the morning. People come and go in your life. Faces change, and you change with them. But you, you are one of those that I will not remember.
I'm so tired of being silent about everything. I have a lot on my mind but I just keep it to myself coz I'm scared that it would hurt people. If it hurts me now, so why doi have to think about them? To hell with them lah.
I hate blogs yang nak emo-emo pun nak cerita dalam blog. Yang nak cerita pasal kesedihan ja dalam blog diorang. I guess that's my fault for being judgemental coz look at me right now. The thing is, do not judge other people's action without understanding them or what they are going through. You are not in their shoes, you don't know how they feel. So just shut up.
Aku dah tak tau camna nak susun ayat dalam post ni. Aku tak tau dah camna nak jaga hati orang yang akan baca. coz aku dah penat la nak jaga hati semua orang. Baik fikir pasal diri sendiri. So aku tulis ja apa aku fikir. As long as I don't mention anyone's name, everyone is safe, right? Swear I won't open up everything to anyone anymore.
0 meow here n there:
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