mommy said something to me..
"don't try to assume responsibilities before your time"
i've thought about it for quite a long time now..
somehow, everything that your parents say will turn out to be true..somehow..
it's true, huh?
one of my responsibilities now is to study..just to study..
so why do i have to go and find other irrelevant things to do?
like..trying to think of other peoples' hearts rather than yours..and only yours..
i don't know..
other people have different opinions, right?
but for me now..
i wanna study hard this time..really hard..
i don't have that kind of distraction anymore.
maybe somehow it's a blessing for me.
so kawan2..
kalau korang nampak aku dok lepak2 kat makcik sayang tu for more than 45 minutes for just 1 meal, feel free untuk ketuk kepala aku and chase me up to my room.
kalau korang nampak aku ala2 dah ngantok time daam lecture tu, erm..tak payah la nak baling apa2 kat aku..jentik telinga aku dh la..kot2 la aku segar bugar balik..
kalau korang nampak aku dok berangan pulak time lecture, hah, baling la apa2 yg hampa nak baling. tp berpada2 la wey..
apa lg ek wasiat untuk korang..
setakat ni tu ja kot..
keep on supporting me..
insan2 yang dah banyak tolong aku kat studies, life, girls' stuff..hahaha..
i miss u sooo much!
u know who u are..
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago
5 meow here n there:
I am really impress on how you appreciate with your mum's advice.
Of course your renewed determination to change as a result of your mum's advice is really an act which is almost extinct nowadays.
InsyaALLAH you will achieve whatever you are aiming for.
Believe me..your mum will be the happiest mum regardless the outcome of your endeavour.
yeah, i really hope so.
somehow those few words can really give an effect to someone if you just take time to indulge in it.
kalau u berangan dalam bilik,
men ym or gtalk dengan makhluk2 y x sptutnye,
i'll tendang u okeh!
kalo ko dok tersengguk ngantok dlm kelas, aku cumit ko here n there haha
to mireya, sekin,
rsa cm nk lebam2 ja nxt sem..
mmpueh la akuuuuu!
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