I mish u soooo much!
I mish talking to you everyday..
I mish seeing you everyday..
I mish waiting for you when you get ready every morning..
Erm..wait..i sound like a psycho..
Ok2..i’ll rephrase..
Meow, rndu la nk mkn tgther2..
Rndu la nk wt our weekly activity...dat is...mengangkut bakul2 ke tngkat 1! (don’t make me mention it)
Rndu nk gelak2 cm nk mati kt bilik..n everywhere too, actually..
Rndu la time kita p lumut dulu, ingat x????
Our so-called road trip time bulan posa..haha..brilliant..
U were so happy time tu..napa ek??
Sebab jejaka2 tldm kah??
Oh yea! It’s your bday!!
All the way tu u kol suma org sbb dapat kol free..haha
Seb bek u tahan i daripada bukak posa time tu!
I sgt penat! huhu
Rndu time kita p makan ciken cop kt v3!
I know how much you love that ciken cop..
Rndu time kita jalan2 time mlm2 kt dpn last2 lari coz nmpk anjing..huhu
This is currently my phone’s wallpaper..
U ingat tak time kita dah xdak keta tu, yg kita usung lappy-top**** masing2 pi irc malam tu time study week tu??
I know how much you hated going to irc dulu..
Tapi i heret jugak coz knonnya nak daftar course for next sem..
But in the end this is what we ended up doing..
Especially you la..
Haha..mmg expected dah..
After some time, kita berjaya duduk kat meja kat irc tu and actually study! la sangat, kan..
And ingat x time kita pi tgk estranged malam tu??
Sangat bes!
Kiri kanan kita ada org couple..dok bermesra-mesra..
Sangat menyampah!
Tapi kita jugak duduk tengah2, berdua-duaan..
And you even think people will start saying that we are les..haha..hmpeh
Pastu kita tunggu estranged keluar dari ch..
Tp diorang x kuar jugak..
Since it was very late, we started walking back tu v2..
Then, naseb baek i nk terkucil..ehem
Kita patah balik ke ch..
And this is what we got!
And not to mention the numerous songs you gave me.
Love them all!!
I had a lot of fun with you..
mish u mish u mish u!
You are my besfren for 3 years now!
You are my image consultant since forever!
You are my devil all the time! (and angel too..sometimes ja la)
You are the one i turn to for so many approvals, other than my parents la..
Meow2, thnx for everything..
Hope we can be together in da same room for the next coming years..
Coz u know la kan..
Nobody can ever live in our room.
It’s very organized and coordinated and well-arranged and so damn neat.
Kan gurls???
We don’t want anyone to interrupt that, do we?
Mish u, mwah mwah!
New Year in Chiang Mai - part 1
5 years ago